Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Who says no to Tracey? I, for one, can not and will not, so here goes for a fun little exercise - my tag of the 6 unimportant things that make me happy.

That Tracey, she gave me a rather tall order as I kept thinking of things that ARE important. And these were the rules she told me I had to follow or else ...

a) Mention the person who nominated you. (above)
b) List 6 unimportant things that make you happy.
c) Tag 6 blogs, state the rules, and notify them with a teeny comment on their blog.

Ladies and gentlemen, without much ado, here are the six unimportant – and often ridiculous - things that make me deliriously happy:

1. Short hair - I love wearing my hair short. I’m not sure why – perhaps it’s because I only comb my hair once daily? In any case, short hair makes me happy.

2. Celebrity gossip - This is my absolute vice. I check celebrity gossip foreign and local every day. EVERY DAY. I don’t know why. And don't judge me.

3. Sundays - Waking up in a panic and then realizing it is Sunday and I can go back to sleep. Also because I know I have the time of the day all to myself that I can lay on the couch in front of the T.V. if I wanted to.

4. Tattered underwear - You know, the ones with the broken elastics and frayed edges and holes aplenty. I love wearing them at home. Yes, nothing makes me feel light and buoyant all day more than tattered underwear. Save the sexy ones for sexy clothes and sexy moments. They may be more attractive, but only tattered underwear can set me free!

5. Bargains - I love a good bargain, and live by the motto, "If it's free, it's for me!"

6. A king size bed - This will be an ultimate luxury, but not one I can't live without. For years I have been rolling in a queen, and I wish I can have more space to roll over, hahaha.

Now the hard part is tagging six other people. I wish I can just send this to everyone! But rules are rules so here goes:

Jann, Kirst, Mimi, Rattles, Jenni, Joey


Angry American said...

I can't believe there are women in the world who have holie, holey, holy (I'm sure one of them is right) underwear. All the slack we get from women about keeping old, worn out clothes. >:(

As far as the gossip thing goes, I can't stand it. And, anything even resembles shows like "E.T.", "American Idol", "Survivor" should be banned and the people who thought them up should be shot. Not only that, people caught watching them should be fined or tossed in jail.

I know I'm gonna get blasted and slammed for this one but, who cares. It's still fun to say. :D

Odette Bautista Mikolai said...

we were taught to wear " something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue! it so happened i was stuck on the first one had hadn't gotten to the next three!!
i do love watching american idol and now that the new season had started the audition, i'll be rushing home to have the front seat, so shoot me!!!
but wait...i gotta see first what you might write as kirst had tagged you...so can you spare me this one? *eyelashes blinking*


Lol I'm loving the holey undies, and the commentary. My last comment to you didnt seem to post :(

Tracey said...

You mean you have sexy undies? lol, all mine are grey saggy and with holes.....PERFECT!
Love Tracey

Joey Paul said...

I see you tagged me, I shall do that when I next get a chance!

Odette Bautista Mikolai said...

oh, you are too fashionable, that it's unthinkable of you to keep even a single tattered undie!

c'mon, you're just patronizing me! wait, with my six items, why does this one stuck the most?

love you both,

bubble said...

Odette...I have now tagged you. Amy xxxxxx

rattles said...

hi odette
Thanks for tagging me i will get round to doing that soon i promise got a few to catch up on now lol sorry ive been a bit lame at blogging recently my shoulder and hips have been very painful and my asthma has been trying to reach new levels of evilness! Will try and post tomorrow morning!

Hope your well hon speak soon lotsa lv Rattles Xxxx

Sid Brechin said...

Thank God you didnt' tag me. Tag or hide and seek the dog always finds me and he's blind.

Odette Bautista Mikolai said...

actually i am so interested to know what might be the unimportant things that will make you happy ans i did put you in the list. then it just hit me that maybe men don't like this stuff, so i back off, hahaha!
hope the pain had eased now...

jen said...

Yes...I'm with ya on the ratty undies!! They are my fave!!



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