Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Doubly difficult ...

Ha,ha,ha! Don't let the picture deceived you. I just want to show how discriminating some employers could be. And also because I find the picture funny!

Anyway, we all know that in these hard times, a lot of people are trying hard to hold on to their jobs. Whenever a company had to cut down its work force the first to go perhaps are those people with chronic illness. Maybe the company thought they are giving the person the needed rest that their body demand.

But come to think about it, when they finally stopped working and went on disability, they would missed working more than any normal person thought possible. It is because working helped them feel normal, distracted them from their sick body and gave them an income that they valued and needed.

With out a job, they would develop the nagging fear that they would never be able to work again. This same fear could expand into a feeling of being financially vulnerable and unable to support themselves without assistance. Ultimately, it could lead to a sense of feeling trapped.

Yes! It’s not a pretty picture. It’s certainly not an inevitable outcome, but sadly, it’s a common scenario now a days.

The majority of people with a chronic illness want to work, consider themselves able to work, and repeatedly express the need for job training, support and services. For them holding a job is important because almost more than anything else in this culture, work defines an individual and provides them with identity.

And for someone with a chronic illness and is always defined by that illness, an occupational identity is especially important.

Are you aware that there are more people now living with chronic illness than at any time in history? Many of them want to be in the workforce for psycho, social and financial reasons.

For those living with a lifetime disability, a flexible job is their top priority, along with a supportive boss. But alas, these aren't easy to come by!

Folks,we are all individuals and we deal with illness in our own unique way. But this shouldn't be a reason to discriminate them from working or keep them out of the workforce. Companies should not view people on the basis of what they cannot do, rather than looking at what they are able to do.

Chronically ill people's identities are diverse. Therefore we should not assume that disability is the same for everyone.

Employment and equality should be built on the potential with which a person with long term illnesses have to offer. The industry should reflect the fact that sickness is an issue likely to affect every individual at one stage of their lives or another.


Fi from Four Paws and Whiskers said...

Well written... stagnating at home does not do any good at all...
I did read somewhere that the recession is also forcing companies to consider options such as job sharing / flexible hours... which ultimately might make them realise that people do not all want to work 40 hr weeks... but they do want the option to work part time.


Bravo, wonderful post!! Thank you Odette for highlighting this issue, i so want to not be at home, and I'm hoping this teaching course leads me to a form of employment (when the medics make their minds up!!!)

Odette Bautista Mikolai said...

thanks, Fi. i just happen to have a chat with a friend who finds it frustrating that he cannot find a job 'coz he has a long term illness.
he is so capable of doing many things, but companies wouldn't give him a chance.
like us, they also want to be useful citizens who can fend for themselves and not rely on government aid alone.

Odette Bautista Mikolai said...

hi Kirst,
so, did the picture made you curious? hahaha!
oh yeah, Ray said he would like to hire BOTH of them! LOL

anyway, there are jobs that allow you to work in the comfort of your home. and with your intelligence and perseverance i am certain you will find one that will suit your need.
(hugging you back!)

Sid Brechin said...

I have a chronic illness which has made me unable to work or even really leave home much. In my case it isn't a case of needing to work as I came down with it just before I planned to retire anyway. The effect is I am not able to do what I wanted to when I retired.

That is fine I can adapt it may be my greatest God given gift. I don't live in the world but live in my head. My surroundings don't really matter to me. Some of it may be to with my time in the Army then again my success in the Army may be due to that adaptability. I was as happy on exercise up to my elbows in swamp water as at a Military ball with Royalty present. ( maybe happier in the swamp depending on who my date for the ball was ;).

But some employers are. Well to be honest there is not a word in the English language to describe how low and dishonorable they can be.

I can also hope for improvement perhaps even the total permanent remission of this condition. It happens. Not often but it does happen

My parents have polar opposite outlooks. If my Mom has a hangnail she's dying. When my Dad was diagnosed with Cancer he asked the Doctor how long and the Doctor said even if we can't cure it you could live to 80. Dad's replay no problem I turned 80 last month.

He treats chemo like he is taking children's cough syrup. He has always been like this. I think he was born Zen. To him five seconds ago is long gone and five seconds from now hasn't happened yet so why worry about it.

I don't think anyone can learn to be like that.

One of the things I admire about my Dad.

Tracey said...

WOW, I thought you had dyed your hair and had had implants!!!!!!!!!

Angry American said...

In america, there are strict laws about this. A law called "Peoples with Disabilities Act" has been in place for a long time. It guarantees COUGHBULLSHITCOUGH that people with disabilities cannot be discriminated against by employers.

Too bad that doesn't include people with chronic illness. Employers have so many ways around hiring you it's not funny. They have slick lawyers to figure out how. Even if you're employed, they don't have to provide full time hours which means they don't have to provide health insurance.

And, insurance companies are not bound by law to cover you if you have a "pre existing condition". I've been on SSDI (social security disability income) since before I had cancer. Being on SSDI automatically quallifies me for a state program called Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation (everybody just calls it BVR).

BVR will pay for all kinds of things as well as training. They spent $25,000 USD for a tech school and now I'm an A + Certified PC tech. Kinda makes ya go WOW right? It doesn't mean jack squat in the IT field.

The tech school I went to didn't have an internship program or even job placement. That means that I have no on the job experience, which means my deploma and certification are about as good as toilet paper. Try getting into any tech field without on the job experience and you'll be looking for a long time.

On top of that, the unemployment rate is so high, even well trained, highly experienced people in all fields are now on the street looking for work.

People who have had serious illness have no clue what chronic illness is like. People who have chronic illness have no clue what being disabled is like. People like myself, or anybody on any kind of government assistance, are looked at as a leach, a needless tax expence and all around lazy f*cks who don't want to work.

I agree with them when it comes to people (mostly from the ghetto) who purposely have kids so they can live off government money. But, when people lump others who truely need help do to loss of work, or people like myself who can't change what we have, and can't even find part time work, in with those dregs of the earth, I just want to kick them in the teeth and spit on them.

They're worse than employers who play games with the Peoples with Disabilities Act then call themsleves an "Equal Opportunity Employer".

Odette Bautista Mikolai said...

you have done your work well and had laboured hard, and had acquired skills. you are just reaping the fruit of all those hard work.
all you need now is to pamper yourself and travel around the world.

Odette Bautista Mikolai said...

if i knock on your door looking like you would most likely say this:

"odette, sorry i don't have a room for the three of you!"

ha ha ha!

Odette Bautista Mikolai said...

you are not alone in this plight, many more is just as frustrated as you.
give up looking for employment and focus on acquiring skills you can use. self-employment is better as it is flexible and you can work around with your schedule.
send out those flyers and don't be disappointed when response come in trickle. it will pick up in due time much like your products in imvu.

Amazon Buyer said...

I have become sort of workaholic and cant imagine how it would be to be at home without work if i am sick for a day. Its quite true that people are so much addicted to work that they wont know what to do if they dont have their job, especially when sick. Adding to it would be the medical bills. Guess many would have already done it..get insured..


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