What? A smile stylist? What the heck is that?
I was browsing through the internet the other day and I come across an ads about make-over smile, where a procedure is done to enhance one's smile and the person performing such procedure is called a cosmetic dentists. This makes me thoughtful and made me ask myself. Does our time become so desperate that people even have to resort to a medical procedure to come up with a perfect smile? And when does one's smile become perfect?
With the current economic and political atmosphere, it seems that even the cheapest commodity have become scarce. People just don't find reason to smile anymore, or if they do, it is a forced smile.
You see, no two smiles are ever the same. A polite smile or a forced one produce a different muscle pattern than does a spontaneous smile. Sometimes we even need to rely on subtle cues to know when a person is trying to hide physical pain or emotional anguish behind a mask of a smile. It takes an interest from someone who wants to tell if a smile may be lying. There is more to smiling than just moving the lips. If we are truly happy, it radiates and shows in the twinkle of our eyes.
For those who have watched the movie Lords of the Ring, maybe you remember the scene near the end when Frodo boards the ship with the elves at the Grey Havens to leave Middle-Earth forever. He embraces each of his friend, then board the ship. And as he sails away, he looks back with an unforgettable smile, a smile that says - "You were everything to me, and I will carry you in my heart forever". It is a perfectly full smile, brimming with all the bitter sweetness of love and loss.
A smile is always perfect if it comes from within, and I don't think any cosmetics what-have-you, could top that. A smile is the cheapest and most effective gift you can give to a random stranger. It will have an effect on the person we are smiling at, and it will also have an effect on us.
So go ahead, share the most perfect smile you got. Practice creating a half-smile from time to time throughout the day. How do you do this? Place a pen or pencil between your teeth and it forces a half-smile. The purpose of this is to notice the difference in how your body and mood feels after doing this. As i said earlier, no two smiles are the same, every smile is custom designed for the individual.
Smile, who knows, you may be that random person who can changed the entire day of someone in one second. Or you could be a friend who made one's life brighter.